Acta Physica Sinica, Volume. 68, Issue 10, 107201-1(2019)

Research progress of metal-insulator phase transition in VO2 induced by electric field

Xiao-Ning Sun, Zhao-Ming Qu*, Qing-Guo Wang, Yang Yuan, and Shang-He Liu*
Figures & Tables(9)
Crystal structure of VO2: (a) M phase; (b) R phase.VO2晶体结构图[32] (a) M相; (b) R相
Changes of currents by application ofthe electric field to VO2 thin films[8].电场作用下VO2薄膜中的电流变化曲线[8]
Diagram of VO2 device structure: (a) Planar structure[36]; (b) three-terminal gated field effect switches[7]; (c) layered structure[45].VO2器件结构示意图 (a)平面结构[36]; (b)三端场效应管结构[7]; (c)三明治结构[45]
Schematic of quantum well structure (inset shows a capacitance device model for the quantum well structure)[46].量子阱结构示意图(内嵌图为量子阱结构的电容器件模型[46]
Response curve of short pulse[36].短脉冲响应曲线[36]
(a) Sawyer-Tower test circuit; (b) peak current as a function of square wave pulse voltage (the inset illustrates voltage and current curves using applied switching pulses of 7 V and 10 V)[47].(a) Sawyer-Tower测试电路; (b)方波脉冲电压与峰值电流关系图(内嵌图为加载7 V和10 V开关电压时的电压和电流曲线)[47]
MIT electric field curve controlled by temperature for VO2 thin film (the electrode spacing is 5 mm) [60].VO2薄膜温度调控相变电场曲线图(电极间距5 mm)[60]
MIT temperature curve controlled by electric field intensity[60].电场强度调控相变温度的关系图[60]
(a) VO2 nanofibers; (b) test device; (c) curve of temperature response.[64](a) VO2纳米纤维; (b)测试器件; (c)温度响应曲线[64]

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Xiao-Ning Sun, Zhao-Ming Qu, Qing-Guo Wang, Yang Yuan, Shang-He Liu. Research progress of metal-insulator phase transition in VO2 induced by electric field [J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2019, 68(10): 107201-1

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Received: Jan. 24, 2019

Accepted: --

Published Online: Oct. 29, 2019

The Author Email: Liu Shang-He (

