Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 52, Issue 7, 20220804(2023)
Review of defects of HgCdTe films grown by LPE
Fig. 1. The effects of mercury pressure (Annealed at 500 ℃ and quenched to 77 K). (a) Annealing temperature; (b) Impact on point defect concentration[20]
Fig. 2. The effects of temperature (a) and mercury partial pressure (470 ℃) (b) on defect concentration, and the relationship of relative chemical potential of Li, Na, and Cu in MCT and CdTe with Cd partial pressure (c)[24]
Fig. 4. Crosshatch and Mosaic morphologies of MCT films (X-ray diffraction topography)[34]
Fig. 5. The relationship between lattice mismatch and Crosshatch (a), (b) as well as FWHM (c)[35],thermal expansion coefficient of MCT and CZT (d) as a function of composition, the data marked with solid and hollow circles were measured by Skauli et al[37], line 1, 2, 3, and 4 were from the reported literatures[38-43]
Fig. 6. MCT film with a normal surface and rough structure (a), and the range of lattice mismatch values without a rough structure(b)[46]
Fig. 8. The dependence of inclusion size (a) and atomic diffusion coefficients (b) with annealing temperature, the IR transmission images of the etched Cd-rich inclusion before annealing and after annealing (c)[53]
Fig. 10. The cross-section photography of the hill-like defect on the surface of MCT film and the variation of composition along the cross-section of the defect[63]
Fig. 11. SEM images (a), (c) and composition (b), (d) of two crystalline defects[62]
Fig. 12. Optical morphologies of terracing patterns on the surface of MCT[65]
Fig. 13. Optical morphologies of surface ripple for MCT films (a), (b)[71]
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Wenbin Qi, Shuren Cong, Linwei Song, Pei Li, Xianyan Jiang, Jianyun Yu, Zhuo Ning, Wenbin Deng, Jincheng Kong. Review of defects of HgCdTe films grown by LPE[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2023, 52(7): 20220804
Category: Materials & Thin films
Received: Nov. 7, 2022
Accepted: --
Published Online: Aug. 16, 2023
The Author Email: Cong Shuren (