Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 22, Issue 6, 060007(2024)

Dynamic imaging through scattering medium under white-light illumination [Invited]

Junyao Lei, Hui Chen*, Yuan Yuan, Yunong Sun, Jianbin Liu, Huaibin Zheng, and Yuchen He
Author Affiliations
  • Electronic Material Research Laboratory, Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education and International Centre for Dielectric Research, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
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    Figures & Tables(8)
    Schematic diagram of the experimental setup.
    Samples of the reconstructed video with MORE. (a) Video samples for the five translating letters at 50 ms exposure time. See Visualization 1. (b) Video samples for the rotating letter “E” at 50 ms exposure time. See Visualization 2.
    Recovery of static objects under white light exposure experiment 1. (a) The objects “A” to “E,” (b) recovered images with MORE under 50 ms exposure time, and (c) recovered images with MORE under 300 ms exposure time.
    (a) shows the objects A–E projected by the projector, (b) shows the scattering pattern of the original corresponding object recorded by the camera under 300 ms exposure time, (c) shows the recovery of scattering of (b) by MORE algorithm with real and non-negative constraints, and (d) shows the recovery of scattering of (b) by MORE algorithm with the addition of non-zero-pixel constraint.
    SSIM versus the magnification factor of the original NNP.
    SSIM of the recovered images with or without adding NNP constraint at different exposure times.
    (a) USAF1951 resolution board. The red rectangle indicates the part used as the object. (b) Recovered image of elements 3 and 4 of group 3 at 300 ms exposure time. (c) Recovered image of element 4 of group 3 at 300 ms exposure time.
    Simulation results with different magnification factors of NNP under white light irradiation.

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    Junyao Lei, Hui Chen, Yuan Yuan, Yunong Sun, Jianbin Liu, Huaibin Zheng, Yuchen He, "Dynamic imaging through scattering medium under white-light illumination [Invited]," Chin. Opt. Lett. 22, 060007 (2024)

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    Paper Information


    Received: Dec. 22, 2023

    Accepted: Apr. 1, 2024

    Published Online: Jun. 27, 2024

    The Author Email: Hui Chen (

