Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 53, Issue 2, 20230596(2024)
Two-step random phase-shifting algorithm based on principal component analysis and VU decomposition method
Fig. 1. Simulated phase distributions, interferograms and interferograms after Gaussian high-pass filtering. (a), (b) Theoretical phase distributions corresponding to the circular and complex fringes; (c), (d) Interferograms with circular and complex fringes; (e), (f) Interferograms with circular and complex fringes after Gaussian high-pass filtering
Fig. 2. Phase error distributions of different phase-shifting algorithms. (a)-(e) Phase error distributions of circular fringes; (f)-(j) Phase error distributions of irregular fringes
Fig. 3. Phase errors RMS of different phase-shifting algorithms with different types of fringes (20 dB)
Fig. 4. Phase errors RMS of different phase-shifting algorithms with different types of fringes in the ideal case
Fig. 5. Phase errors RMS of different phase-shifting algorithms corresponding to the circular fringes with different levels of noise
Fig. 6. Phase errors RMS of different phase-shifting algorithms corresponding to the circular fringes with different phase shifts and 20 dB of noise
Fig. 7. Phase errors RMS of different phase-shifting algorithms corresponding to the circular fringes with different fringe numbers and 20 dB of noise
Fig. 9. Experimental phase distributions, phase-shifting interferograms and interferograms after Gaussian high-pass filtering. (a), (b) Theoretical phase distributions corresponding to the circular and irregular fringes; (c), (d) Interferograms with circular and irregular fringes; (e), (f) Interferograms with circular and irregular fringes after Gaussian high-pass filtering
Fig. 10. Experimental phase deviation distributions of different phase-shifting algorithms. (a)-(e) Phase deviation distributions of circular fringes; (f)-(j) Phase deviation distributions of irregular fringes
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Yu Zhang. Two-step random phase-shifting algorithm based on principal component analysis and VU decomposition method[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2024, 53(2): 20230596
Received: Oct. 23, 2023
Accepted: --
Published Online: Mar. 27, 2024
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