Chinese Journal of Lasers, Volume. 1, Issue 2, 56(1974)

[in Chinese]

[in Chinese] and [in Chinese]

[1] [1] W. Holzapfel, Laser+EleUro-Optilc, 1973, 3, s. 25~31.

[2] [2] A. Jacques Beaulieu, Electro-Optical Systems Design, No. 5, 1973, p. 36~37.

[3] [3] J. F. Beady, Effects of High-Power Laser, Radiation, 1971, p. 109~114.

[4] [4] “Selected Papers On Laser Applications in Industry”, 1971, 8, p. 26.

[5] [5] “United States Patent Office” 3, 482, 075.

[6] [6] “United States Patent Office” 3, 472, 998.

[8] [8] Un-Chul Раек and Francis P. Gagliano, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, QE-8; No. 2. 1972, p. 112~119.

[9] [9] Control Engineering, 17, No. 3,1970, p. 55.

[10] [10] Steel, July. 25, 1966, p. 28~29.


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[in Chinese], [in Chinese]. [J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 1974, 1(2): 56

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