Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
Dianyuan Fan
Zitao Ji, Jianfeng Chen, and Zhiyuan Li

Antichiral topological photonic states are a new type of waveguide states that are robust against backscattering and immune to defects. They propagate unidirectionally in the same direction along two parallel boundaries of topological photonic crystal and show broad application potential in topological lasers, integrated optical circuits, and quantum information. This review focuses on the research progress in antichiral topological photonic states, starting from the Dirac model and derivation of the classical Haldane model, antichiral Haldane model, and heterogeneous Haldane model, which demonstrate the transmission behavior of different types of topological photonic states. In addition, the implementation of chiral edge states, antichiral edge states, and one-way bulk states in photonic crystals is discussed. Next, the construction of topological optical devices based on antichiral topological photonic states, such as compact unidirectional waveguides, topological ring cavities, and topological beam splitter, are introduced. Finally, the critical issues and future development trends in research on antichiral topological photonic states are analyzed.

Aug. 10, 2024
  • Vol. 61 Issue 15 1500001 (2024)
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