High Power Laser Science and Engineering

We have four term (two year) positions at CNR National Institute of Optics. One position is for senior researcher and three positions are for researcher.


The positions are for activity on plasma physics, high intensity laser-matter interaction, particle acceleration, optics of intense laser systems to join the IPHOQS (ELI) and EUAPS (Eupraxia) projects and related development in Pisa, Tuscany, Italy.


Application Deadline: 2nd May, 2023


For further information please visit this link (search "Pisa" in the list) or go directly to the links below.


1. https://servizi.ino.it/AllegatiPubblici/ConcorsiBandiEsiti/TD_PNRR_400.15/15_Bando_I-PHOQS_Ric_2023_ENG_signed.pdf


2. https://servizi.ino.it/AllegatiPubblici/ConcorsiBandiEsiti/TD_PNRR_400.16/16_Bando_I-PHOQS_Ric_2023_ENG_signed.pdf


3. https://servizi.ino.it/AllegatiPubblici/ConcorsiBandiEsiti/TD_PNRR_400.17/17_Bando_I-PHOQS_Ric_2023_ENG_signed.pdf


4. https://servizi.ino.it/AllegatiPubblici/ConcorsiBandiEsiti/TD_PNRR_400.19/19_Bando_EUAPS_RIC_ENG_signed.pdf