High Power Laser Science and Engineering


AAC2024 will be held at the Big Sky Resort in Big Sky, Montana, on Sunday, June 9th – Friday, June 14th, 2024.


The Technical Organizers and Board of Directors of Anomalous Absorption, LLC, invite you to attend the 52nd Annual Anomalous Absorption Conference (AAC2024) to be held at the Big Sky Resort in Big Sky, Montana on June 9-14th, 2024. Please mark your calendars now to reserve this week next June to participate in the conference. We look forward to seeing you in Montana next year and are excited to present a conference that showcases the latest developments in:


-Laser-plasma interactions


-Inertial and Magnetized fusion plasmas


-PIC/Vlasov/Radiation-hydrodynamics modeling


-Implosion plasma kinetic effects


-HED and Astrophysical plasma physics


-Alternate ignition schemes


-New laser facility capabilities


-Short pulse laser-matter interactions


-Laser particle acceleration


-Advanced plasma diagnostics


-Opacity, EOS, transport and mix models


-Advanced target fabrication methods


News from: https://anomalousabsorption.org/aac2024/