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Important Dates

Sept.30, 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline
Sept.30, 2023
Early-Bird Registration Deadline
Oct.27, 2023
Full Text  Submission Deadline


Topic 1: High energy density physics
Laser plasma interactions
Inertial confinement fusion
Laboratory astrophysics
Nuclear photonics
Bright X-rays, gamma rays, and applications
Laser driven electron and ion acceleration
Extreme nonlinearity and relativistic optics
QED effects of high-intensity laser
Topic 2: High power laser systems
Laser facility engineering
Laser system design, modeling and optimization
Pulse generators and preamplifiers
Laser pumping and amplifiers
Frequency conversion and nonlinear optics
Beam shaping, smoothing and combining
Light propagation, alignment, diagnostics and wave-front correction
Laser and plasma diagnostics
Topic 3: Laser components for high power laser
Optical materials
Optical fabrication, processing and testing
Optical film coating
Optical gratings
Laser induced damage
Novel optical materials and devices
Target fabrication
Topic 4: Advanced laser technologies and applications
Ultrahigh power laser technologies
High-repetition-rate laser technologies
High power mid-infrared, visible and other novel bands laser technologies
High power terahertz sources and applications
Ultrafast and attosecond technologies
Fiber and fiber lasers
Semiconductor and diode pumped solid state lasers
Excimer, gas, chemical and free electron lasers
High power laser applications
Supporting Organization