Chinese Optics Letters

On the occasion of the 80th birthdays of both Professors Ling-An Wu and Kai-Ge Wang, we are thrilled to announce the Call for Papers for a special issue on Quantum Imaging in the journal of COL which will be published in June 2024.


As China's pioneers in quantum imaging, Professors Wu and Wang dedicated themselves to research and talent development in the field quantum optics. Their scholarly achievements are both scientific and educational. They have not only disntinguished themselves in their own research fields, but also taught numerous students who are now spread all over the world.


In honor of their achievements, this special issue aims to showcase, in the light of their profound impact on various disiplines and technological applpications, the latest advancements, breakthroughs, and emerging trends in the fields of quantum imaging, multiphoton interference, and correlation function.


Quantum imaging has revolutionized the way we perceive, capture, and process information. It has opened up new avenues for information acquisition technologies that surpass the limitations of classical systems. This special issue seeks to bring together cutting-edge research papers, reviews, and perspectives that explore the diverse aspects of quantum imaging and related fundamental problems. All manuscripts will be subject to the normal standards and peer-review processes of this journal. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:


Quantum and correlation imaging

● Single-pixel imaging

Information theory on quantum imaging

● Algorithms related

● Quantum sensing and detection

● Multiphoton interference

● High order coherence of optical field

● Applications of quantum and correlation imaging


Guest Editors:

Y. H. Shih, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA

Shensheng Han, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, China


Submission deadline: Dec.31, 2023


Submission format:

Authors should use MS Word or LaTex style files. Please visit: Author Style Guide & Templates for the submission template and upload the submission on the following website: under the type of "Special Issue on Quantum Imaging"