Chinese Optics Letters

In recent years, the relentless demand for computational power driven by artificial intelligence, cloud services, and data-intensive applications have pushed the boundaries of traditional computing systems and led to the emergence of hyper-scale data center networks (DCN) and high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructures. Notably, the ever-expanding complexity and size of generative AI models like GPT-5 demand huge amount of data transfers and communication between tens of thousands of GPUs and CPUs, surpassing the capabilities of electrical links. As a result, optical interconnect technologies, with their wide bandwidth, low latency, and energy-efficient data transmission capabilities, play a pivotal role in ensuring that these hyper-scale computing systems operate efficiently.


The optical interconnects and integrated photonic chips are paving the way for groundbreaking advancements in hyper-scale computing. The possibilities in this domain are boundless, ranging from the creation of cutting-edge optical modules to the exploration of advanced modulation formats and the utilization of sophisticated digital signal processing techniques. Security and encryption are also paramount in the context of optical interconnects for hyper-scale systems, ensuring that data transmission remains secure and immune to potential threats. The utilization of photonic chips in artificial intelligence and neuromorphic computing is yet another dimension of this exciting field. These chips are at the forefront of innovation in machine learning, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. Additionally, efficient network management is crucial for ensuring seamless data flow and optimal performance within hyper-scale computing systems. Optical switches form the essential backbone for reconfigurable optical networks, enabling resource scheduling algorithms and routing techniques to dynamically optimize bandwidth allocation, minimize latency, and enhance overall network reliability. Moreover, innovative optoelectronic packaging technologies are central to the seamless integration and efficient operation of these optical components within the hyper-scale computing infrastructure.


To better summarize the latest scientific research achievements and look forward to future trends in the mentioned and related fields, the Special issue on optical interconnect and integrated photonic chip technologies for hyper-scale computing systems will be published in July 2024 in Chinese Optics Letters. This Special Issue invites researchers and experts in the field to contribute their latest research, insights, and solutions that address the challenges and opportunities within optical interconnect and integrated photonic chip technologies for hyper-scale computing systems. We encourage the submission of original and previously unpublished work, and anticipate the inclusion of a selection of review papers to provide comprehensive coverage of this exciting and evolving domain.


All manuscripts will be subject to the normal standards and peer-review processes of this journal. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:


● Energy-efficient and high-performance optical modules for high density optical interconnect

● Advanced modulation and digital signal processing techniques for 400G optical links and beyond

● Optimizations of IM/DD and coherent systems for intra- and inter-datacenter networks

● Security and encryption in optical interconnects for hyper-scale systems

● Photonic chips for artificial intelligence and neuromorphic computing

● High-port count, low-power and low-latency optical switches for high-performance computing and datacenter networks

● Intelligent resource scheduling and routing technique for dynamically reconfigurable optical interconnects

● Advanced packaging techniques enabling co-packaged optics for high-bandwidth interfaces


Guest Editors:


Chao Lyu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hongkong, China

Songnian Fu, Guangdong University of Technology, China

Bo Liu, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China

Xinyuan Fang, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

Shanting Hu, Beijing Institute of Technology, China


Submission deadline: March 31, 2024


Submission format:


Authors should use MS Word or LaTex style files. Please visit: Author Style Guide & Templates for the submission template and upload the submission on the following website: under the type of "Special issue on optical interconnect and integrated photonic chip technologies for hyper-scale computing systems".