Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 34, Issue 5, 1253(2014)

Near Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis Method of Maize Hybrid Seed Purity Discrimination

HUANG Hua-jun1、*, YAN Yan-lu1, SHEN Bing-hui1, LIU Zhe1, GU Jian-cheng2, LI Shao-ming1, ZHU De-hai1, ZHANG Xiao-dong1, MA Qin1, LI Lin1, and AN Dong1
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  • 1[in Chinese]
  • 2[in Chinese]
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    Near infrared spectroscopy analysis method of discrimination of maize hybrid seed purity was studied with the sample of Nong Hua 101 (NH101) from different origins and years. Spectral acquisition time lasted for 10 months. Using Fourier transform (FT) near infrared spectroscopy instruments, including 23 days in different seasons (divided into five time periods), a total of 920 near infrared diffuse reflectance spectra of single corn grain of those samples were collected. Moving window average, first derivative and vector normalization were used to pretreat all original spectra, principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were applied to reduce data dimensionality, and the discrimination model was established based on biomimetic pattern recognition (BPR) method. Spectral distortion was calibrated by spectra pretreatment, which makes characteristics spatial distribution range of sample spectra set contract. The relative distance between hybrid and female parent increased by nearly 70-fold, and the discrimination model achieved the identification of hybrid and female parent seeds. Through the choice of representative samples, the model's response capacity to the changes in spectral acquisition time, place and environment, etc. was improved. Besides, the model's response capacity to the changes in time and site of seed production was also improved, and the robustness of the model was enhanced. The average correct acceptance rate (CAR) of the test set reached more than 95% while the average correct rejection rate (CRR) of the test set also reached 85%.


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    HUANG Hua-jun, YAN Yan-lu, SHEN Bing-hui, LIU Zhe, GU Jian-cheng, LI Shao-ming, ZHU De-hai, ZHANG Xiao-dong, MA Qin, LI Lin, AN Dong. Near Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis Method of Maize Hybrid Seed Purity Discrimination[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2014, 34(5): 1253

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    Paper Information

    Received: Jul. 8, 2013

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: May. 6, 2014

    The Author Email: Hua-jun HUANG (hhj_55331@126.com)

