Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 33, Issue 2, 531(2013)

The LIBS Experiment Condition Optimization of Alloy Steel

SHAO Yan*, GAO Xun, DU Chuang, ZHAO Zhen-ming, CHEN Wei-yu, HAO Zuo-qiang, SUN Chang-kai, and LIN Jing-quan
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    Laser induced plasma spectroscopy of alloy steel was produced by Nd∶YAG pulsed laser at 1 064 nm, and the spectral signal was detected by high resolution and width controlled ICCD. Several Fe atomic spectral lines such as 404.581, 414.387, 427.176 and 438.355 nm were chosen for analysis, and the effects of different experimental parameters on LIBS spectral signal intensity were investigated. It is shown that the experimental parameters such as pulse energy, laser focus location and laser delay time have great influence on the LIBS signal. LIBS signals with high spectral intensity and signal-background ratio (SBR) as well as the optimum experiment conditions were obtained by optimizing these experiment parameters so as to make composition analysis of the alloy steel.


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    SHAO Yan, GAO Xun, DU Chuang, ZHAO Zhen-ming, CHEN Wei-yu, HAO Zuo-qiang, SUN Chang-kai, LIN Jing-quan. The LIBS Experiment Condition Optimization of Alloy Steel[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2013, 33(2): 531

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    Paper Information

    Received: Jun. 29, 2012

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Mar. 27, 2013

    The Author Email: Yan SHAO (kikiyan45@sina.com)

