Journal of Atmospheric and Environmental Optics, Volume. 17, Issue 1, 160(2022)

Evaluation of accuracy of aerosol optical and radiative products retrieved by aerosol component method

Xindan ZHANG1、*, Lei LI1, Cheng CHEN2, Ke GUI1, Yu ZHENG1, Yuanxin LIANG1, Wenrui YAO1, and Huizheng CHE1
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  • 1[in Chinese]
  • 2[in Chinese]
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    Based on the POLDER-3 multi-angle polarimetric observation data from 2005 to 2013, the global aerosol comprehensive products are obtained through the newly developed aerosol component method which enables simultaneous inversion of aerosol optical properties and component information, and then the AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) global site observation data are used to validate and comprehensively evaluate the retrieval of aerosol optical property products, and the applicability and superiority of the component retrieval approach are also discussed. The overall validation results show that the quality of spectral AOD derived by the aerosol component approach from POLDER measurements is comparable to AERONET measurements. In addition, the polarimetric observations based on aerosol component approach can provide more information on aerosol properties, such as spectral absorption AOD (AAOD) and ngstrm exponent (AE) for different band combinations (440/670 nm, 670/870 nm, 870/1020 nm, 440/1020 nm), and all these aerosol optical property products have fairly small biases, demonstrating that the algorithm is able to achieve a better fit to the observation data, which provides a basis for further improvement of the algorithm.


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    ZHANG Xindan, LI Lei, CHEN Cheng, GUI Ke, ZHENG Yu, LIANG Yuanxin, YAO Wenrui, CHE Huizheng. Evaluation of accuracy of aerosol optical and radiative products retrieved by aerosol component method[J]. Journal of Atmospheric and Environmental Optics, 2022, 17(1): 160

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    Paper Information


    Received: Sep. 28, 2021

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Mar. 4, 2022

    The Author Email: Xindan ZHANG (

