Opto-Electronic Engineering, Volume. 49, Issue 4, 210367(2022)

Research on shaping characteristics of Gaussian beam aspheric shaping system

Ziyi Zhang, Meng Chen*, Chunlei Wang, Hepeng Xiang, and Ruiqing Tao
Author Affiliations
  • Institute of Laser Engineering, Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
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    Overview: The method of using an aspheric lens to shape Gaussian beam has been very mature. A specific aspheric shaping mirror can be designed according to the incident light parameters to shape the Gaussian beam into a flat-top beam so that the laser can be better applied to laser medicine, laser processing and other fields. Aspheric mirror shaping has the advantages of simple structure, high damage threshold and high shaping efficiency. At present, the research on the aspherical shaping system lies in the design of its structure, and there is no detailed study on its shaping characteristics. Therefore, this paper focuses on the shaping effect of the aspherical shaping system under different incident parameters.The method of Gaussian beam shaping using an aspheric lens has been very mature, and specific aspheric shaping mirrors can be designed according to the incident light parameters. However, when the aspheric shaping mirror designed with a 3 mm incident beam waist is tested, it is found that the aspheric shaping mirror is not only applicable to the incident parameters in the design. When the incident beam size and divergence angle are different, there will be an optimal shaping position with flat top distribution behind the shaping mirror. The position is far away from the shaping mirror with the increase of the diameter of the incident beam, and close to the shaping mirror with the increase of the divergence angle. In order to explore the difference in shaping results on the optimal shaping position, the control variable method is used to carry out the experiment. It is found that the diameter and divergence angle of the incident light beam have no obvious change in the flat factor of the flat top distribution on the position, but the beam uniformity and edge steepness will have the best value, and there is an optimal incident parameter. In order to obtain the relationship between the optimal shaping position and the incident beam diameter and divergence angle, a mathematical model is successfully established by using the response surface method. When the beam diameter and divergence angle at an incident position are known, the optimal shaping position can be quickly obtained.


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    Ziyi Zhang, Meng Chen, Chunlei Wang, Hepeng Xiang, Ruiqing Tao. Research on shaping characteristics of Gaussian beam aspheric shaping system[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2022, 49(4): 210367

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    Paper Information


    Received: Nov. 17, 2021

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: May. 24, 2022

    The Author Email: Chen Meng (chenmeng@bjut.edu.cn)

