Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 30, Issue 2, 504(2010)

Preparation and Transmissivity of ZnS Nanocolumn Thin Films with Glancing Angle Deposition Technology

LU Li-fang, XU Zheng*, ZHANG Fu-jun, ZHAO Su-ling, SONG Dan-dan, LI Jun-ming, WANG Yong-sheng, and XU Xu-rong
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    Nanocrystalline ZnS thin films were fabricated by glancing angle deposition (GLAD) technology in an electron beam evaporation system. Deposition was carried out in the custom vacuum chamber at a base pressure 3×10-4 Pa, and the deposition rate was fixed at 0.2 nm?s-1. ZnS films were deposited on pieces of indium tin oxide (ITO) substrates when the oblique angle of the substrate relative to the incoming molecular flux was set to 0°, 80° and 85° off the substrate normal respectively. X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra and scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showed that ZnS nanocrystalline films were formed on the substrates at different oblique angle, but the nanocolumn structure was only formed under the situation of α=80° and 85°. The dynamics during the deposition process of the ZnS films at α=0°, 80° and 85° was analyzed. The transmitted spectra of ZnS thin films deposited on ITO substrates showed that the ZnS nanocolumn thin films could enhance the transmissivity in visible range. The ZnS nanocolumn could be used into electroluminescence device, and it would enhance the luminous efficiency of the device.


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    LU Li-fang, XU Zheng, ZHANG Fu-jun, ZHAO Su-ling, SONG Dan-dan, LI Jun-ming, WANG Yong-sheng, XU Xu-rong. Preparation and Transmissivity of ZnS Nanocolumn Thin Films with Glancing Angle Deposition Technology[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2010, 30(2): 504

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    Paper Information

    Received: Feb. 2, 2009

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Jul. 23, 2010

    The Author Email: Zheng XU (zhengxu@bjtu.edu.cn)

