Tunable ferromagnetism is one of the most exotic properties in diluted magnetic materials of which local spins are meditated by carriers[
Journal of Semiconductors, Volume. 44, Issue 3, 032501(2023)
Colossal negative magnetoresistance in spin glass Na(Zn,Mn)Sb
We report the study of magnetic and transport properties of polycrystalline and single crystal Na(Zn,Mn)Sb, a new member of “111” type of diluted magnetic materials. The material crystallizes into Cu2Sb-type structure which is isostructural to “111” type Fe-based superconductors. With suitable carrier and spin doping, the Na(Zn,Mn)Sb establishes spin-glass ordering with freezing temperature (Tf) below 15 K. Despite lack of long-range ferromagnetic ordering, Na(Zn,Mn)Sb single crystal still shows sizeable anomalous Hall effect belowTf. Carrier concentration determined by Hall effect measurements is over 1019 cm–3. More significantly, we observe colossal negative magnetoresistance (MR ≡ [ρ(H) ? ρ(0)]/ρ(0)) of –94% in the single crystal sample.We report the study of magnetic and transport properties of polycrystalline and single crystal Na(Zn,Mn)Sb, a new member of “111” type of diluted magnetic materials. The material crystallizes into Cu2Sb-type structure which is isostructural to “111” type Fe-based superconductors. With suitable carrier and spin doping, the Na(Zn,Mn)Sb establishes spin-glass ordering with freezing temperature (Tf) below 15 K. Despite lack of long-range ferromagnetic ordering, Na(Zn,Mn)Sb single crystal still shows sizeable anomalous Hall effect belowTf. Carrier concentration determined by Hall effect measurements is over 1019 cm–3. More significantly, we observe colossal negative magnetoresistance (MR ≡ [ρ(H) ? ρ(0)]/ρ(0)) of –94% in the single crystal sample.
1. Introduction
Tunable ferromagnetism is one of the most exotic properties in diluted magnetic materials of which local spins are meditated by carriers[
Recently, a serious of new types of DMS with independent carrier and spin doping were discovered[
The “111” DMS, Li(Zn,Mn)As and Li(Zn,Mn)P, crystalize into zinc-blende like structure[
2. Experiments
Polycrystalline specimens of Na1+x(Zn1–yMny)Sb were synthesized by solid state[
The crystal structure of the polycrystalline and single-crystal specimens was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using a Philips X’pert diffractometer at room temperature. Rietveld refinements were performed with GSAS software packages to obtain lattice parameters[
3. Results and discussion
The XRD patterns and crystal structure of Na(Zn,Mn)Sb are shown in
Figure 1.(Color online) (a) XRD patterns of Na1.1(Zn1 –yMny)Sb (0.05 ≤y ≤ 0.40). (b) Crystal structure of Na(Zn,Mn)Sb. (c) Cell volume of Na1+x(Zn1 –yMny)Sb for various doping concentrations of Na and Mn. (d) XRD patterns of single crystal Na1.09(Zn0.88Mn0.12)Sb and Na1.12(Zn0.36Mn0.64)Sb.
For varying Na concentrations of Na1+x(Zn1–yMny)Sb, the samples withx = 0.1,i.e., Na1.1(Zn1–yMny)Sb, have most distinct magnetic transition. Thus we focus our discussion on the sample Na1.1(Zn1–yMny)Sb in the following text. Temperature-dependence of DC magnetization, (M(T)) for polycrystalline samples with 0.05 ≤y ≤ 0.4 are plotted in
Figure 2.(Color online) (a) The DC magnetization measured in Na1.1(Zn1 –yMny)Sb, (0.05 ≤ y ≤ 0.4) in H = 500 Oe with ZFC and FC procedures. (b)M(H) curves measured at 2 K for Na1.1(Zn1 –yMny)Sb. (c)M(T) and M (H) curves for single crystal Na1.12(Zn0.36Mn0.64)Sb.
It is noteworthy that the magnetic signal indeed shows a non-monoclinic change with Mn doping levels (
To confirm the spin-glass behaviors, AC susceptibility measurements were performed. As a typical example,
Figure 3.(Color online) (a) AC χ'(T) and χ''(T) of Na1.1(Zn0.75Mn0.25)Sb at various frequencies. (b) The best fit ofTf data extracted from Fig. 3(a) to the Eq. (2).
We obtainedK = 0.033 which is in the range 0.004–0.08 for spin-glass systems. Another way to characterize spin-glass behavior is to fitTfdependence off with critical slowing down relation (Eq. (2))[
whereτ0 is the characteristic relaxation time of single spin flip,τ = 1/f,T0 is underlying spin-glass transition temperature determined by the interactions in the system,z is the dynamic critical exponent, andν is the critical exponent of the correlation length. The best fitting parameters obtained for polycrystalline Na1.1(Zn0.75Mn0.25)Sb areT0 = 11.52 K,τ0 = 10–10 s, and zν = 7.3. The values expected for canonical spin-glassed areτ0 = 10–10–10–12 s andzν = 5–10. The obtained parameters are in the range of typical spin-glasses (
Figure 4.(Color online) (a) Temperature dependence of resistivity for NaZnSb. The inset shows hall resisitivity for NaZnSb at 2 and 50 K. (b) Hall resisitivity of Na1.09(Zn0.88Mn0.12)Sb at various temperature. (c) Temperature dependence of resistivity of Na1.1(Zn0.95Mg0.05)Sb and Na1.1(Zn0.95Mn0.05)Sb. Note that amplitude is normalized.
On the other hand, Mn-doping dramatically increases resistivity of the system, particularly at low temperature. Na1.12(Zn0.36Mn0.64)Sb hasρ5K = 6826.5 Ω∙mm andρ20K = 2455.2 Ω∙mm while Na1.09(Zn0.88Mn0.12)Sb hasρ5K = 9.1 Ω∙mm andρ20K =3.9 Ω∙mm. Nevertheless, Mn-doping actually decreases carrier concentration only by relatively small amplitude. The hole concentration of Na1.12(Zn0.36Mn0.64)Sb is 1.7 × 1019 cm−3 at 100 K which is comparable to that of Na1.09(Zn0.88Mn0.12)Sb (3.0 × 1019 cm−3 at 100 K). Thus, there must be other factor to increase resistivity in heavy Mn-doping level sample. In a material doped by magnetic element, both disorder-induced localization and magnetic scattering are feasible to reduce mean free path of carriers and in turn to increase resistivity. To clarify the puzzle, a sample with nonmagnetic-substitution, Na(Zn,Mg)Sb, was synthesized and characterized. Although only 5% Mg could be doped into Zn site without inducing a second phase, one can still find the distinctly difference between Na1.1(Zn0.95Mg0.05)Sb and Na1.1(Zn0.95Mn0.05)Sb. On lowering temperature, both of the samples show metallic behavior until 30–40 K and then monotonic increases of resistivity. However, amplitude of uprising onρ(T) of Mn-doped-sample is 5 times larger than that of Mg-one, implying magnetic scattering is a main factor to influence conduction behavior in Na(Zn,Mn)Sb compounds (
At low temperature, large MR has been observed in both polycrystalline and single crystal samples. For polycrystalline samples without spin glass (SG) transition, MR (MR ≡ [ρ(H) − ρ(0)]/ρ(0)) are significantly smaller,e.g. MR2K = –5% and –13% in Na1.1Zn0.95Mn0.05Sb and Na1.1Zn0.9Mn0.1Sb. MR2K dramatically increases to –90% in polycrystalline Na1.1Zn0.85Mn0.15Sb where spin-glass transition occurs at about 5 K. Two single crystal samples also present colossal MR at low temperature. In
Figure 5.(Color online) (a)ρ(T) of single crystal Na1.09(Zn0.88Mn0.12)Sb at various applied fields. (b) MR(H) curves of single crystal Na1.09(Zn0.88Mn0.12)Sb at various temperature. (c)ρ(T) of single crystal Na1.12(Zn0.36Mn0.64)Sb at various applied fields. (d) MR(H) curves of single crystal Na1.12(Zn0.36Mn0.64)Sb at various temperature.
Different from FM (Ba0.9K0.1)(Cd2−xMnx)2As2, (Sr0.9K0.1)(Zn1.8Mn0.2)2As2, and GaMnAsP, which also showed colossal negative MR in FM states, Na(Zn,Mn)Sb manifested colossal negative MR in SG states[
4. Conclusion
In summary, a new diluted magnetic compound Na(Zn,Mn)Sb with decoupled charge and spin doping has been synthesized. With co-doped Excess-Na and Mn to induce hole carrier and spin, Na(Zn,Mn)Sb can establish a spin-glass ordering at low temperature. The detailed studies indicate that colossal negative magnetoresistance is related with spin-glass ordering. The maximum value of magnetoresistance of –94% has been found in single crystal sample. The title material extends magnetic states to explore colossal magnetoresistance.
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Shuang Yu, Yi Peng, Guoqiang Zhao, Jianfa Zhao, Xiancheng Wang, Jun Zhang, Zheng Deng, Changqing Jin. Colossal negative magnetoresistance in spin glass Na(Zn,Mn)Sb[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2023, 44(3): 032501
Category: Articles
Received: Sep. 30, 2022
Accepted: --
Published Online: Mar. 30, 2023
The Author Email: Deng Zheng (dengzheng@iphy.ac.cn), Jin Changqing (Jin@iphy.ac.cn)