Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 36, Issue 7, 2255(2016)

In-Situ Analysis of Solid Steel Samples with Remote Double-Pulse Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy System

XIN Yong1,2, SUN Lan-xiang1, YANG Zhi-jia1, LI Yang1, CONG Zhi-bo1, QI Li-feng1, ZHANG Peng1,2, and ZENG Peng1
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  • 1[in Chinese]
  • 2[in Chinese]
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    In order to realize real-time, online monitoring of the component of steel and other metal smelting process, we designed a remote double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) analysis system which can realize non-contact remote measurement and component analysis for long distance sample. The paper first tests the system on solid standard steel samples, which provides basis for online monitoring the component of molten steel. The experimental results show: laser focal spot is about 1mm in long distance; double-pulse ablation depth is deeper than single pulse’s; the optimum delay of double-pulse is non-consistent in different distances; the enhancement effect of double- pulse in 3.1 m is better than that in 2.1 m, and the maximum enhancement is 5.19 of Ti(Ⅰ) 319.99 nm; the calibration curve of R2 is about 0.99, RSD being less than 5%, RMSE being less than 0.021%, LOD being less than 500 ppm for most elements in 2.1 m, which is better than that in 3.1 m.


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    XIN Yong, SUN Lan-xiang, YANG Zhi-jia, LI Yang, CONG Zhi-bo, QI Li-feng, ZHANG Peng, ZENG Peng. In-Situ Analysis of Solid Steel Samples with Remote Double-Pulse Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy System[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2016, 36(7): 2255

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    Paper Information

    Received: May. 5, 2015

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Dec. 23, 2016

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