Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 40, Issue 1, 85(2020)

The Bioavailability Characteristics of CDOM in Lake Hongze and Lake Luoma under Different Hydrological Scenarios

ZHANG Liu-qing1,2、*, PENG Kai1,3, YANG Yan2, SHI Yu1, LI Yuan-peng1, ZHOU Lei1,3, ZHOU Yong-qiang1,3, and ZHANG Yun-lin1,3
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  • 1[in Chinese]
  • 2[in Chinese]
  • 3[in Chinese]
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    We investigated the bioavailability characteristics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in different hydrological scenarios of Lake Hongze and Lake Luoma using bio-incubation experiments coupled with excitation-emission matrices and parallel factor analysis (EEMs-PARAFAC). The results showed that (1) Three fluorescent components were obtained using PARAFAC, including a humic-like C1, a tryptophan-like C2 and a tyrosine-like C3. (2) After 28 days of bio-incubation, the bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) in Lake Hongze and Lake Luoma in dry season (17%±4% and 15%±4%) was higher than that in flood season (5%±5% and 10%±7%), and the high %BDOC values of the two lakes were mainly distributed in the inflowing river mouths. (3) The specific absorbance at 254 nm SUVA254 and humic-like components in the two lakes during dry season was significantly higher than that pre-bio-incubation, and ΔSUVA254 and ΔC1 were negative. The tyrosine-like component was significantly lower than that pre-bio-incubation and ΔC3 was positive, indicating that the microorganisms preferentially utilized the less stable tyrosine-like component in the dry season, and produced more stable humic-like C1 and also increased the humification of the samples collected from the two lakes. (4) There were significant negative correlations between BDOC, %BDOC and ΔSUVA254, ΔC3, %ΔC3, respectively. These results indicated that CDOM optical composition directly affects its bioavailability in the two lakes.


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    ZHANG Liu-qing, PENG Kai, YANG Yan, SHI Yu, LI Yuan-peng, ZHOU Lei, ZHOU Yong-qiang, ZHANG Yun-lin. The Bioavailability Characteristics of CDOM in Lake Hongze and Lake Luoma under Different Hydrological Scenarios[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2020, 40(1): 85

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    Paper Information

    Received: Jun. 18, 2019

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Apr. 4, 2020

    The Author Email: Liu-qing ZHANG (zlq_1994@126.com)

