Optoelectronic Technology, Volume. 43, Issue 3, 238(2023)

Photonic Synapse Transistors Based on TIPS⁃pentacene with Long⁃term Plasticity

Zihong SHEN1, Zunxian YANG1,2, and Tailiang GUO1,2
Author Affiliations
  • 1School of Physical and Information Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 3506, CHN
  • 2National & Local United Engineering Laboratory of Flat Panel Display Technology, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, CHN
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    The photonic synaptic transistor of organic small molecule semiconductor TIPS-pentacene, polystyrene and perovskite quantum dots was prepared by the solution method using the domain limited induced crystallization method. The film structure and photoelectric properties of the film were researched, and the synaptic properties and behavior of the synaptic transistor were investigated under different light stimulation conditions. The polystyrene played a dual role in improving the crystallinity of organic small molecule semiconductor films and maintaining long-term photocurrent of synapse devices. At the same time, organic composite thin film devices have achieved graphic perception and memory functions, which could be of great significance for the development of artificial vision systems.


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    Zihong SHEN, Zunxian YANG, Tailiang GUO. Photonic Synapse Transistors Based on TIPS⁃pentacene with Long⁃term Plasticity[J]. Optoelectronic Technology, 2023, 43(3): 238

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    Paper Information


    Received: Jan. 11, 2023

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Mar. 21, 2024

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