Electronics Optics & Control, Volume. 28, Issue 4, 92(2021)

Design of an Integrated Simulation and Verification System of FC Network on Integrated Core Processing Platform

YU Dalei*, HAN Qiang, GAO Yang, and WU Jiaxin
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    FC network is widely used in the integrated core processing platform to realize high-speed information transmission between internal and external subsystems.In order to verify whether the FC network can meet the requirements of the avionics system on function, performance and interface definition, the FC network needs to be simulated and verified.An integrated simulation and verification system of FC network is proposed to fully simulate the application environment of the core processing platform and provide a platform-level environment for simulation, verification, testing, monitoring and analysis of the FC network on the core processing platform, so as to ensure that the function, performance and interface definition of the FC network on the core processing platform can meet systematical requirements.Currently, the simulation and verification system of FC network has been successfully verified, which has broad application prospects.


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    YU Dalei, HAN Qiang, GAO Yang, WU Jiaxin. Design of an Integrated Simulation and Verification System of FC Network on Integrated Core Processing Platform[J]. Electronics Optics & Control, 2021, 28(4): 92

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    Paper Information


    Received: Feb. 29, 2020

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: May. 19, 2021

    The Author Email: Dalei YU (282123582@qq.com)

