Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Processing, Volume. 42, Issue 1, 010401(2024)

Effects of needle-plate corona plasma on improving the degradation of agricultural mulch film

Xuejian LENG, Fubao JIN*, Shangang MA, and Keyuan CHEN
Author Affiliations
  • Faculty of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Qinghai University, Xining 810016, China
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    Mulch film has provided significant convenience for agricultural development. However, its stable physical and chemical properties make it challenging to manage under natural conditions, potentially posing a serious environmental threat if mishandled. This study investigates the influence of various experimental factors on the degradation of agricultural film using low-temperature plasma degradation technology. A self-made needle-plate electrode structure was employed to treat polyethylene film with a high-frequency AC voltage. The study analyzesd the effects of input power, discharge time, electrode number, and air circulation on mulch film degradation. Changes in mulch quality, Raman spectrum, scanning electron microscope observations, and relative molecular mass were compared before and after treatment. The results revealed a 2.6-fold increase in mulch film degradation efficiency when the input power rised from 26 W to 80 W. While increasing input power enhanced high-energy electrons and active substances in the reaction space, energy efficiency did not proportionally increase with the degradation rate. At 51 W input power, the energy efficiency reached a maximum of 58.82 μg/(W·h). The number of needle tips influences plasma uniformity and input power, impacting film degradation efficiency. As the number of needle electrodes increases, film degradation efficiency initially decreased from 3.49% to 2.1%, then rised to 3.57%. Prolonged discharge time made the molecular chain structure more vulnerable to plasma attack and breakage. Additionally, air fluidity affects ozone concentration in the reactor, with higher concentrations in a closed environment at low input power. Increasing the input power to 80 W results in higher ozone concentration with good air fluidity, aiding in improving mulch film degradation efficiency.


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    Xuejian LENG, Fubao JIN, Shangang MA, Keyuan CHEN. Effects of needle-plate corona plasma on improving the degradation of agricultural mulch film[J]. Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Processing, 2024, 42(1): 010401

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    Paper Information

    Category: Research Articles

    Received: Oct. 17, 2023

    Accepted: Nov. 24, 2023

    Published Online: Mar. 27, 2024

    The Author Email: JIN Fubao (金福宝)

