Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 53, Issue 12, 20240196(2024)

Flow and infrared radiation characteristics of high-altitude plume in thin atmosphere

Xingdong BAO1, Xuehe ZHENG2, Yuan TIAN3, Zhenhua WANG1, Sihui WANG1, and Zhihe XIAO1
Author Affiliations
  • 1National Key Laboratory of Scattering and Radiation, Beijing 100854, China
  • 2The Defense Technology Research Academy of China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation, Beijing 100854, China
  • 3Beijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering, Beijing 100854, China
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    Objective For relatively high-density areas inside and near the exit, axial symmetry can be used to compress the Navier-Stekes equation description, and the realizable turbulence model is closed to the model equation. Use a limited volume method to discrete, and the time is promoted to adopt hidden methods. Axially simulates the Monte Carlo method described by axisymmetric in the spray exit and far field. Combined with the HITEMP2010 database, the spectral absorption coefficient of the gas component of infrared radiation is calculated by line-by-line integral method. The radiation transmission equation that is regarded in the light method is used to solve the high-altitude feathers. Experimental data of high-altitude feather flow flow is used to verify the effectiveness of high-altitude feathers flow and radiation computing models in this article.Results and Discussions Through the effects of analysis of the total pressure and total temperature conditions of different shots and the effects of the general temperature conditions on the flow of high-altitude feathers and their infrared radiation characteristics, the calculation conditions of different shots are used (Tab.1). The display of the non-balance effect mainly occurs in the shock area (Fig.3). The pressure at the ink at the entrance will have a more obvious impact on the contour, spectral level, and the brightness of the ranceling layer of the separation wave line (Fig.4). The brightness distribution of the same calculation in different bands is similar, and the differences are mainly magnitude (Fig.5). The difference between the brightness in the same calculation in different bands is mainly values (Fig.6). Calculation conditions of different freedom flow (Tab.2) show that the greater the density of freedom, the more powerful the impact on the compression of the shooting (Fig.7). Increased freedom flow density will slowly raise the spectral radiation intensity (Fig.8). Freedom flow has a small impact on the relatively high-voltage area near the engine exit (Fig.9-Fig.10). After different operating conditions, after using the formula for infinite outline, its boundary characteristics are no longer affected by the engine and freedom, and have good consistency (Fig.11). Different bands have a similar change trend (Fig.12). The characteristics of high-altitude feathers flow and radiation are mainly determined by the total pressure, total temperature, freedom to flow density, speed, etc., which will significantly affect the distribution of the brightness of the feather flow radiation.Conclusions Under the same boundary conditions, high-altitude feathers have similar structures, that is, internal flow, turbulence, and outflow areas. The location of the separation wave line is basically the same. The launch and absorption are mainly concentrated in the center of the spectrum. It is manifested as a relatively separate spectrum line. Its radiation energy is mainly concentrated near the spray mouth and in the rim layer. After the direction of the shot axis and crossing the separation wave line, the brightness has decreased. It has similarity, the distribution of feathers is similar to feather-like, and the brightness field presents crescent-shaped; The total pressure of the engine has increased, and the shot and freedom flow form a relatively obvious wave layer. The effect, with the further increase of the density of the shot, the unbalanced effect of the shooting area itself weakened, the overall expansion of the separation wave line and the radiation of the feather flow will significantly, and the increase in the total temperature of the engine's shooting will not affect its separation wave line. However, the temperature of the high-altitude feathers inner flow area and the swarm area will increase, and the non-balance effect of the swarm area increases, which will greatly increase the radiation of the feather flow; The increase in density or speed of freedom will significantly compress The inflating of the feather is continuously shifted in the position of the separation wave line. Due to the changes in the flow field structure, the brightness distribution of different bands has a relatively significant difference. Under the conditions of different shots and freedom, the spectral radiation structure is similar. The difference is mainly reflected in the difference. In terms of numerical values; From the perspective of the characteristics of the flow boundary, after the total pressure, total temperature and freedom flow, density, and density of the shot flow, the separation streamline calculated under different conditions has very good consistency; From radiation in terms of strength characteristics, the increase in the total pressure and total temperature of the engine shot will significantly increase the radiation intensity of high-altitude feathers, and when the density and speed of freedom are changed, although the flow field and brightness distribution will have a great impact, it will have a great impact on the distribution of the flow field and the distribution of brightness, but it will be on its radiation intensity has less impact.


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    Xingdong BAO, Xuehe ZHENG, Yuan TIAN, Zhenhua WANG, Sihui WANG, Zhihe XIAO. Flow and infrared radiation characteristics of high-altitude plume in thin atmosphere[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2024, 53(12): 20240196

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    Paper Information

    Category: 红外技术及应用

    Received: May. 8, 2024

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Jan. 16, 2025

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