10 years of research on optical fibre communications using orbital angular momentum modes
It is 10 years since the publication of the seminal SCIENCE paper on the first demonstration of optical fibre communications using OAM modes by Bozinovic et al. This plenary talk will attempt to review the evolution of this particular research strand vis-à-vis the general development of space / mode division multiplexing (SDM/MDM) for the next generation of ultra-high-capacity optical fibre links, covering progress in OAM components and fibres that culminate into increases of 2-3 orders of magnitude in transmission link spectral efficiency, capacity and distance. An appraisal on how OAM modes may play a role in reducing system complexity in such systems will be provided and some thoughts about what would need to be done in future research activities will be shared.
Prof. Siyuan Yu (Fellow of OPTICA) received his Bachelor degree from Tsinghua University in 1984, Master degree from Wuhan Institute of Post and Telecommunications in 1987, and PhD from the University of Glasgow, UK, in 1997. He had been Professor of Photonic Information Systems at the University of Bristol, UK, before joining the School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, China. Prof. Yu has carried out research in the physics and technologies of photonic integration as well as its application in optical systems and networks for over 35 years, focusing on innovative photonic components technologies aimed at addressing key issues at link and network levels. He contributed to areas such as integrated high-speed optical switches, micro-cavity lasers, all-optical logic circuits and integrated quantum photonics on various materials including III-V semiconductors, silicon nitride, and lithium niobate. In recent years he has worked on developing novel integrated photonic components, optical fibres and systems technologies aimed at harnessing the orbital angular momentum of photons. He has published more than 230 papers, co-edited a book, and has been granted several international patents.