Xian-Tu He, the co-chair of HPLSE conference, is awarded the Edward Teller Medal for his outstanding leadership in the development of inertial confinement fusion(ICF) study and his significant contribution to target physics and high energy density physics.
Prof. Xian-Tu He is one of the founders of Chinese ICF research. During 1988‐1992, he and his team started to study ICF target physics and proposed the development strategy and overall planning for the Chinese ICF program toward ignition. He was then in charge of the national ICF program from 1993 to the end of 2001.Beyond inspiring and promoting the constructions of major laser facilities, Prof. He led the development of important theoretical tools for high energy density science as well as innovative ignition concepts. His research covered important areas of warm dense matter physics (extended QMD for Equation of State and transport in WMD), magnetic field generation in laser-plasma interactions (at the high intensities required for fast ignition) and target physics for inertial fusion (mixing by hydrodynamic instabilities). Prof. He is one of the founders of HPLSE conference, and has co-chaired the conference since 2014.
Edward Teller Award was established by the American Nuclear Society, and was named after the "Father of Hydrogen Bomb" Edward Teller. It is the highest prize in the field of nuclear fusion, and is to issue every two year on the International Conference on Inertial Fusion Science Applications (IFSA). Every time there will be two winners, and they must have significant achievements and leadership in the study of generation and propagation of hot electrons in laser-plasmas and controllable thermal energy fusion.