Chip, Volume. 3, Issue 3, 100097(2024)
Measurement of cryoelectronics heating using a local quantum dot thermometer in silicon
Silicon technology offers the enticing opportunity for monolithic integration of quantum and classical electronic circuits. However, the power consumption levels of classical electronics may compromise the local chip temperature and hence affect the fidelity of qubit operations. In the current work, a quantum-dot-based thermometer embedded in an industry-standard silicon field-effect transistor (FET) was adopted to assess the local temperature increase produced by an active FET placed in close proximity. The impact of both static and dynamic operation regimes was thoroughly investigated. When the FET was operated statically, a power budget of 45 nW at 100-nm separation was found, whereas at 216 μm, the power budget was raised to 150 μW. Negligible temperature increase for the switch frequencies tested up to 10 MHz was observed when operating dynamically. The current work introduced a method to accurately map out the available power budget at a distance from a solid-state quantum processor, and indicated the possible conditions under which cryoelectronics circuits may allow the operation of hybrid quantum–classical systems.
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Mathieu de Kruijf, Grayson M. Noah, Alberto Gomez-Saiz, John J.L. Morton, M. Fernando Gonzalez-Zalba. Measurement of cryoelectronics heating using a local quantum dot thermometer in silicon[J]. Chip, 2024, 3(3): 100097
Category: Research Articles
Received: Jan. 22, 2024
Accepted: May. 21, 2024
Published Online: Nov. 12, 2024
The Author Email: de Kruijf Mathieu (