Semiconductor Optoelectronics, Volume. 44, Issue 3, 350(2023)
Design of Readout Circuit Based on 640×512-5 μm InGaAs Shortwave Infrared Focal Plane
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LU Yifan, WANG Hongyi, TAO Wengang, CAO Jiasheng, TIAN Yu, JING Song, HUANG Songlei, LI Xue. Design of Readout Circuit Based on 640×512-5 μm InGaAs Shortwave Infrared Focal Plane[J]. Semiconductor Optoelectronics, 2023, 44(3): 350
Received: Jan. 5, 2023
Accepted: --
Published Online: Nov. 26, 2023
The Author Email: Songlei HUANG (