Invited Speakers

We are keeping on inviting world-wide scientists and engineers to share with us the 
latest research and development on high power laser and physics.

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  Invited Speakers

Demonstration of the PENELOPE main amplifiers

Daniel Albach (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany)

New generation of laser PEARL – basis of XCELS project

Shaikin Andrei Alekseevich (IAP, RAS, Russia)

High-brightness all-fiber Raman lasers directly pumped by multimode laser diodes

Sergey A Babin (Institute of Automation and Electrometry, RAS, Russia)

Towards highest ion intensities and first applications with the laser-driven LIGHT beamline

Vincent Bagnoud (GSI Darmstadt, Germany)

Multi PetaWatt Titanium Sapphire Laser Systems

Christophe Simon Boisson (Thales Optronique, France)

The ultra-high intensity laser beam transport system of ELI-Beamlines

Stefan Borneis (ELI-Beamlines, Czech Republic and GSI Darmstadt, Germany)

Technology Development for Ultra-Intense All-OPCPA Systems

Jake Bromage (University of Rochester, USA)

XCAN: a laser program dedicated at exploring Coherent Beam Combination of femtosecond fiber amplifiers

Jean-Christophe Chanteloup (EcolePolytechnique, France)

Plasma channel based new laser wakefield staging scheme and radiation sources

Min Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)

Ultra-short pulse laser damage: State of the art and future of ultra-broad band high damage threshold optics

Enam Chowdhury (The Ohio State University, USA)

Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics

Ioan Dancus (IFIN-HH/ELI-NP, Romania)

400TW Operation of Orion at Ultra-High Contrast

Colin Danson (AWE/CIFS, Physics Department, Imperial College London, UK)

High energy & high average power PUMP LASERS…The route to High average power petawatt lasers

Franck Falcoz (Amplitude Technologies, France)

The laser-driven plasma acceleration programme at CNR-INO and the European perspective

Leonida A. Gizzi (INO-CNR, Pisa, Italy)

Absolute Measurement of Large Aperture Flat in High Power Laser

Sen Han (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China)

Orion facility upgrade program

David Hillier (Orion Laser Facility, AME, UK)

Accelerator driven high energy density science-activation of structural components of high intensity accelerators

Dieter Hoffmann (XJTU, China)

The progress of neodymium phosphate laser glasses and LMA PCF ytterbium silica fiber in SIOM

Lili Hu (SIOM, CAS, China)

An Overview of High Energy Density Sciences in HiBEF Project

Lingen Huang (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany) 

Laser-driven shock experiments on precompressed water

Xiuguang Huang (Shanghai Institute of Laser Plasma, China) 

Polarized Proton Beams from Laser-induced Plasmas

Anna Hützen (PGI-6, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany) 

Cr,Nd:LuAG ceramics for high repetition rate laser pulses

Benxue Jiang (SIOM, CAS, China) 

Large-Scale, Long-Term Stable Timing of Accelerator and Laser Facilities

Franz Kaertner (DESY/Universitaet Hamburg, Germany) 

Dynamic Mitigation of Filamentation Instability Growth

Shigeo Kawata (Utsunomiya University, Japan)

Signals of vacuum polarisation in high power laser experiments

Ben King (Plymouth University, UK)

Recent Laboratory Astrophysics hydrodynamic experiments at LULI

Michel Koenig (LULI/Ecole Polytechnique, France)

Recent status of Kumgang laser: a high-average power coherent beam combination laser using SPC-SBS-PCMs

Hong Jin Kong (Department of Physics, KAIST, South Korea) 

NIF laboratory astrophysics experiments investigating the effects of a radiative shock on hydrodynamic instabilities

Carolyn Kuranz (University of Michigan, USA) 

Progress in Octahedral Spherical Hohlraum Study

Ke Lan (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, CAEP, China) 

CEP stable near-single-cycle MIR laser

Yuxin Leng (SIOM, CAS, China) 

Intense Terahertz radiation generated in intense laser-foil interactions

Yutong Li (Institute of Physics, CAS, China) 

Laser interaction with extensive corona and porous targets

Jiri Limpouch (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic) 

High efficiency, ultrafast gratings for high peak power lasers

Emily Link (LLNL, USA) 

Nonlinear Stimulated Raman Backscatter Instability

Chuan Sheng Liu (University of Maryland, USA)

Laser Electron Acceleration and Novel Radiation Sources

Jiansheng Liu (SIOM, CAS, China) 

2.5KW narrow line width fiber laser system

Qihong Lou (SIOM, CAS, China) 

Recent progress on the development of compact intense ultrafast lasers and high quality laser plasma accelerators at Tsinghua University

Wei Lu (Tsinghua University, China) 

High power ultrafast fiber laser at 2μm

Yu Xia Mandy (SIMTech, A*STAR, Singapore)

Overview of multi-PW, high contrast, rep-rated kJ laser Technologies and facility integration

Mikael Martinez (National Energetics Inc., USA)

High energy protons via a laser-driven hybrid acceleration scheme in an ultra-thin foil

Paul McKenna (University of Strathclyde, UK) 

High Average Power Thin-Disk Amplifiers

Thomas Metzger (TRUMPF Scientific Lasers, Germany)

High Average Power Thin-Disk Amplifiers

Tomas Mocek (HiLASE Centre, Czech Republic)

Tailoring beam performance using interfering intense laser beamlets

Alessio Morace (Osaka University, Japan)

Laser Ion beam control and applications

David Neely (CLF, STFC, UK)

Fused silica improvement for high energy high power laser applications

Frank Nürnberg (Heraeus Quarzglas, Germany)

High power and effective direct solar-pumped laser

Tomomasa Ohkubo (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan)

Few-cycle high intensity lasers for attoscience at ELI-ALPS

Karoly Osvay (ELI-ALPS, Hungary)

The Apollon laser: Current Status and first commissioning results

Dimitris Papadopoulos (LULI, France)

Temperature and wavelength insensitive phase-matching for ultra-high average power OPCPA

Liejia Qian (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)

Stabilization of laser-driven ion radiation pressure acceleration

Bin Qiao (Peking University, China)

All-solid fluorotellurite fibers for high power supercontinuum generation from 0.6 to 5 μm

Guanshi Qin (Jilin University, China)

Plasma amplification in sc-SBS regime : recent progress in theory, simulation and experiment

Caterina Riconda (LULI/Sorbonne Université, France)

High Power Laser Driven Neutron Sources

Markus Roth (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)

Ultrafast high-power thin-disk laser oscillators

Clara Saraceno (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany) 

Jianda Shao (SIOM, CAS, China) 

Laser driven proton acceleration with solid and gas targets

Baifei Shen (Shanghai Normal University, China) 

PGL White Paper – "MLD Gratings for Ti:Sapphire Laser Systems"

Douglas Smith (Plymouth Grating Laboratory, USA) 

Target Fabrication at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Target Capabilities for delivery to the CLF, Orion Academic Access and other High-Power Facilities

Christopher Spindloe (STFC, UK) 

Development of ultra-high power laser at LFRC

Jingqin Su(Laser Fusion Research Center, CAEP, China) 

Counterpropagating Radiative Shock Experiments on the Orion Laser

Francisco Suzuki-Vidal (Imperial College London, UK) 

High-speed plasma flow, plasma instabilities, and formation of astrophysical shocks and high-energy particles in laboratory; theory and experiment

Hideaki Takabe (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany)

Dependence of Compressed Pulse Contrast on Grating Surface Roughness

Yunxin Tang (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK) 

QED experiments with two counterpropagating high-power-lases beams

Edmond Turcu (STFC-RAL, Central Laser Facility, UK; Nanjing University, China) 

Thermal-Lens-Free Heat Capacitive Active Mirror

Ken-ichi Ueda (University of Electro-Communications, Japan) 

The performance and diagnostic technique of the 1D implosion campaign on the SG-III laser facility

Feng Wang (Laser Fusion Research Center, CAEP, China)

Plasma block acceleration by intense laser fields

Jiaxiang Wang (East China Normal University, China)

Coherent noise in parametric amplification of ultraintense pulses

Jing Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)

Theoretical and experimental studies on THz Radiation from air via the two-color laser schemeh

Wei-Min Wang (Institute of Physics, CAS, China)

Multifunctional nanocomposite coatings for laser cavities

Zhanshan Wang (Tongji University, China) 

Radiation-hydrodynamics in the context of direct-drive inertial confinement fusion

Stefan Weber (ELI-Beamlines, IOP, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)

Extreme Faraday effect and applications: Magnetic splitting of laser pulses in plasmas

Suming Weng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)

Coherence and resonance effects in the ultra-intense laser-induced ultrafast response of complex atoms: A quantum master equation approach

Jianmin Yuan (National University of Defense Technology, China)

Wavefront distortion of laser beams corrected with volume Bragg gratings in photothermorefractive glass

Xiao Yuan (Soochow University, China)