Special Issue for HPLSE 2018
in High Power Laser Science and Engineering
The Conference Co-Chairs are currently soliciting high-profile papers to organize a special issue for the HPLSE 2018 conference. We invite you to contribute an article or a review.
We hope that the special issue can be useful and meaningful resource to the community
and that your paper will be an important part of the special issue. The papers will be fully
peer reviewed and not a formal set of conference proceedings and therefore the scope for paper content is not limited to that presented at the meeting.
The special issue will be published in an open access journal High Power Laser Science
and Engineering (HPL). Having been successfully launched in 2013 by Chinese Laser
Press at Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM) and Cambridge
University Press, HPL provides its readers with topics covering high energy density
physics, high power laser, advanced laser technology, and high power laser related
materials. It is freely available to all readers worldwide via journals.cambridge.org/hpl.
HPL has been included in SCIE in 2017 and will receive its first impact factor in June 2018.
Please be aware that APCs for submissions of wide-spectrum review articles (not only
reviewing the work in the authors' group) will be waived.
The deadline for submission is July 31, 2018. You may submit your manuscript via online
submission system http://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/clp-hpl at any time before then.
Please specify that the manuscript is for the Special Issue (choose the Manuscript Type
‘Special Issue’ from the drop-down menu).
Conference Co-Chairs
Xian-Tu He (China Academy of Engineering Physics, China)
Zunqi Lin (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China)
Colin Danson (AWE/CIFS, Physics Department, Imperial College London, UK)