Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 16, Issue 9, 091901(2018)

Mechanisms and absolute quantum yield of upconversion luminescence of fluoride phosphors

A. A. Lyapin1、*, S. V. Gushchin1, A. S. Ermakov1, S. V. Kuznetsov2, P. A. Ryabochkina1, V. Yu. Proydakova2, V. V. Voronov2, P. P. Fedorov2, and M. V. Chernov1
Author Affiliations
  • 1National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk 430005, Mordovia, Russia
  • 2Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119991, Russia
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    Mechanisms of upconversion luminescence (UCL) of SrF2:Er phosphors corresponding to the G411/2I415/2, H29/2I415/2, F45/2I415/2, F47/2I415/2, H211/2I4<

    Upconversion luminescence (UCL) materials have been extensively investigated since the mid-1960s and have found different applications in photonics: solar cell, sensors, detection, solid-state lasers, visualizers, etc. In the last decade, the field of rare-earth (RE) doped upconversion (UC) nanoparticles, powders, and phosphors is rapidly progressing from the fundamental understanding of photoluminescence properties to a lot of applications in medicine and biology[13].

    UC properties of RE ions strongly depend on the host. Highly efficient UCL is observed for fluorite-type materials MF2:RE (M=Ca, Sr, Ba)[49] because they have low phonon energy (366cm1 of SrF2) [10] and the tendency to form multiple cluster configurations even when the doping concentration is low[1114]. Low phonon energy allows the lifetime of the intermediate levels to be increased. The clustering effect reduces the distance between Er3+ ions and thereby increases the probability of an energy transfer process between them, which is beneficial for achieving efficient UCL.

    Er3+-doped phosphors are demonstrated efficient UCL upon excitation of different infrared energy levels of Er3+ ions. At present, a large number of papers are devoted to the study of UCL of Er3+-doped fluoride and oxide phosphors upon excitation by laser radiation at about 980 nm[1522]. UCL of SrF2:Er powders prepared by combustion synthesis ions was demonstrated upon excitation of the I411/2 level of Er3+ ions by Rakov[15]. However, we have not found publications of the mechanisms and absolute quantum yield ΦUC of UCL of SrF2:Er phosphors.

    To develop new UC phosphors for the different applications fields, the nature of UC and luminescence efficiency need to be investigated. Thus, our research is focused on a detailed study of the mechanisms of UCL of SrF2:Er phosphors upon 972 nm laser diode (LD) excitation. Also, the Er3+-concentration dependence of UCL and the absolute photoluminescence quantum yields of SrF2:Er were studied.

    The SrF2:Er (mole fractions of Er3+ ions are 1.6%, 3.4%, 6.0%, 8.8%, 14.2%, 18.3%, and 21.3%) phosphors were synthesized by using a co-precipitation with the aqueous nitrate solution technique[2325]. The initial reagents for the synthesis of fluoride powders were strontium nitrate (99.99% for metallic impurities), erbium nitrate five hydrate (99.99% for metallic impurities) produced by LANHIT (Moscow, Russia), ammonium fluoride, and double distilled water. An erbium and strontium nitrate aqueous solution of 0.08 M (1M=1mol/L) concentration was added dropwise to a 7% excess of 0.16 M aqueous ammonium fluoride under intense stirring. After precipitation of SrF2:Er solid solution the matrix solution was decanted. The obtained powders were dried in air at 45°C (5 h) and annealed in platinum crucibles in air at 600°C (1 h).

    The luminescence of the Er3+ ions excited by an LD at 972 nm was recorded using a Horiba FHR1000 spectrometer. The focused excitation beam diameter on the samples was 712 μm. The incident excitation power was 100 and 250 mW.

    The luminescence rise and decay were recorded from G411/2(379nm), H29/2(407nm), F45/2(449nm), F47/2(486nm), H211/2(521nm), S43/2(548nm), F49/2(668nm), and I49/2(801nm) levels of Er3+. For excitation of the I411/2 level, we used a Ti:sapphire laser model LX329 (Solar LS) at a wavelength of 972 nm. The duration of the exciting pulse was 20 ns. The excitation pulse repetition frequency was 10 Hz. The rise and decay of luminescence were examined by a Tektronix TDS 2022C digital oscilloscope (200 MHz).

    The integrating sphere method was used to measure the absolute photoluminescence quantum yield[26,27]. The system consists of the OL IS-670-LED integrating sphere, an OL-770 UV/VIS (Gooch & Housego) spectroradiometer, and a monochromator-spectrograph M833 (Solar LS). The incident excitation power was measured using a UP19K-110F-H9-D0 (Standa) power meter. All measurements were performed at room temperature.

    Upon excitation of the I411/2 level, the visible and near-infrared UCL spectra of Er3+ ions in SrF2:Er phosphors at 300 K corresponding to G411/2I415/2, H29/2I415/2, F45/2I415/2, F47/2I415/2, H211/2I415/2, S43/2I415/2, F49/2I415/2, and I49/2I415/2 transitions were recorded (Fig. 1). The most intense luminescence was observed in the green and red spectral ranges. The same UCL spectra were observed for all SrF2:Er samples. The absorption transition, luminescence transitions, and possible UC mechanisms of Er3+ ions in SrF2:Er phosphors are shown in Fig. 2.

    UCL spectra of SrF2:Er (14.2 mol.%) in the visible and near-infrared spectral ranges.

    Figure 1.UCL spectra of SrF2:Er (14.2 mol.%) in the visible and near-infrared spectral ranges.

    Absorption transition, luminescence transitions, and UC mechanisms of Er3+ ions in SrF2:Er.

    Figure 2.Absorption transition, luminescence transitions, and UC mechanisms of Er3+ ions in SrF2:Er.

    Next, two experimental methods to determine mechanisms of UCL in SrF2:Er phosphors were applied. First, excited-state dynamics of SrF2:Er phosphors were investigated. Second, we studied the excitation power density (P) dependence of UCL.

    From literature it is known that excited-state absorption (ESA), energy transfer UC (ETU), and cooperative processes (CPs) are dominated mechanisms of UCL in Er3+-doped materials upon excitation of the I411/2 level[1519,21,22,28,29]. We recorded the rise and decay luminescence of Er3+ ions from G411/2(379nm), H29/2(407nm), F45/2(449nm), F47/2(486nm), H211/2(521nm), S43/2(548nm), and F49/2(668nm) levels upon excitation of the I411/2 level. The ESA process leads to an immediate rise of luminescence within the experimental time resolution and a subsequent fast decay corresponding to the relaxation time of the energy level. In contrast, luminescence originating from ETU and CP has a rise part after pulsed excitation. Also, ETU and CP persist after pulsed excitation much longer than the lifetime of the energy level. The nature of the ETU and CP processes is ion–ion interaction of RE ions. Both ETU and CP can simultaneously be responsible for the UCL in a material. But commonly CPs are less effective than ETU ones by 4–5 orders of magnitude[30].

    Figure 3 presents the rise and decay of the luminescence of Er3+ ions from H29/2 [Fig. 3(a)], H211/2 [Fig. 3(b)], and S43/2 [Fig. 3(c)] levels. For all samples, the luminescence from the H29/2, H211/2, and S43/2 levels exhibits a slow rise and slow decay after the excitation pulse (20 ns), indicating that ETU processes contribute to populating these levels. The decay time of the luminescence from the H29/2, H211/2, and S43/2 levels increases with increasing concentration of Er3+ ions from 1.6% to 6%. These time dependences are explained by increasing the efficiency of the ETU1 (I411/2+I411/2F47/2+I415/2) and ETU2 (F49/2+F49/2H29/2+I413/2) processes. Upon further increasing of the concentration of Er3+ ions, the decay time begins to decrease. Su et al.[28] showed that the lifetime of the intermediate I411/2 and I413/2 levels of the Er3+ ions in the SrF2:Er crystals begins to decrease with increasing concentration of Er3+ ions (approximately from 4 mol.%). This explains the reduced decay time of blue and green luminescence for heavily-doped SrF2:Er phosphors.

    Luminescence rise and decay from (a) H29/2, (b) H211/2, (c) S43/2, (d) F49/2, (e) G411/2, F45/2, F47/2 levels of Er3+ ions in SrF2:Er.

    Figure 3.Luminescence rise and decay from (a) H29/2, (b) H211/2, (c) S43/2, (d) F49/2, (e) G411/2, F45/2, F47/2 levels of Er3+ ions in SrF2:Er.

    The rise and decay of luminescence from the F49/2 level were detected [Fig. 3(d)]. The luminescence from the F49/2 level exhibits a slow rise and slow decay after the excitation pulse. This phenomenon is direct evidence of populating of the F49/2 level by the ETU process. The dependence of the decay of UCL from the F49/2 level on the concentration of Er3+ ions is complex. In our opinion, this is caused by a competition of radiative relaxation (F49/2I415/2) with the populating (ETU3) [I411/2+I413/2I415/2+F49/2, CR1 (F47/2+I415/2F49/2+I413/2)] and depletion (ETU2) processes.

    Figure 3(e) presents the decay luminescence from G411/2(379nm), F45/2(449nm), and F47/2(486nm) levels for SrF2:Er(1.6%). An almost immediate rise is observed in the time dependence of the UCL of Er3+ ions from these levels. These experimental results show that the dominant mechanisms in the populating of the G411/2 and F45/2 levels are the ESA1(S43/2+hνG27/2) and ESA2(I49/2+hνF43/2), respectively. Energy gaps between G411/2 and S43/2 levels as well as F43/2 and I49/2 levels correspond to the energy of the incident photon at a wavelength of 972 nm. The fast rise of the UCL from the F47/2 level is explained by a strong influence of the cross-relaxation (CR1) and multi-phonon relaxation (MPR) on the depletion of this level. The near-infrared UCL from the I49/2 (801 nm) level appears to correspond to the CR2 between the two levels S43/2 and I415/2 (S43/2+I415/2I49/2+I413/2).

    To identify the mechanisms responsible for UCL of Er3+ ions in the SrF2:Er upon excitation of the I411/2 level, we also studied the excitation power density P-dependent UCL at the S43/2I415/2 (548 nm) and F49/2I415/2 (668 nm) transitions of the Er3+ ions (Fig. 4). It is well known[31] that the UCL intensity IUC depends on the excitation power density P as IUCPn, where n is the number of absorbed photons needed for populating the upper energy level of the transition. Pollnau et al.[31] investigated in detail the influence of the types of UC mechanisms on the slopes.

    P-dependent UCL at the (a) S43/2→I415/2 and (b) F49/2→I415/2 transitions of Er3+ ions. The diagram is in a double logarithmic scale.

    Figure 4.P-dependent UCL at the (a) S43/2I415/2 and (b) F49/2I415/2 transitions of Er3+ ions. The diagram is in a double logarithmic scale.

    Figure 4 shows the log-log dependence of the UCL intensity on the LD excitation power density for the SrF2:Er(1.6%) and SrF2:Er(8.8%) samples. The slopes of the S43/2I415/2 [Fig. 4(a)] and F49/2I415/2 [Fig. 4(b)] transitions for SrF2:Er(1.6%) are calculated to be 2.72 and 2.6, respectively. These results indicate that the S43/2I415/2 and F49/2I415/2 transitions were mainly attributed to three-photon absorption processes at a low concentration of Er3+ ions (ETU1 or ETU2, ESA1 or ESA2). For SrF2:Er (8.8%) the slopes of green and red luminescence are 1.86 and 2.05, respectively. This means that two-photon absorption processes [CP (I411/2+I411/2+I415/2I415/2+I415/2+F47/2)] are the dominant mechanisms of visible UCL for SrF2:Er phosphors with high concentrations of Er3+ ions. As mentioned above, the rare-earth ions in MF2:RE have a pronounced tendency to associate in clusters. At low rare-earth (Er3+) concentrations (on the order of a few hundredths of a percent), oppositely charged point defects R3+ and Fint combine to form dipole pairs[32]. Increasing the rare-earth concentration in the solid solution leads to further defect association and defect clustering[13,33]. The concentration of clusters increases with increasing the RE concentration and the phenomenon of percolation begins from 6%[23]. As a result of this phenomenon, clusters come to inevitable spatial contact with each other. Thus, superclusters are formed, which reach a micron size. Rare-earth elements are concentrated in these superclusters. Apparently, SrF2:Er phosphors at a high concentration are characterized by an increase in the clusters concentration. The presence of ion–ion interaction between Er3+ ions in neighboring clusters in these samples leads to an increase in probability of the cooperative process.

    Next, the influence of the Er3+ concentration on the UCL intensity in the visible spectral range was studied. Figure 5(a) presents the spectral power of the UCL of Er3+ ions in the visible range upon laser excitation at 972 nm for SrF2:Er (mole fractions of Er3+ ions are 1.6%, 3.4%, 6.0%, 8.8%, 14.2%, 18.3%, and 21.3%).

    (a) Spectral power of the UCL of SrF2:Er. (b) The CIE chromaticity diagram of SrF2:Er. The excitation power density is 63 W/cm2.

    Figure 5.(a) Spectral power of the UCL of SrF2:Er. (b) The CIE chromaticity diagram of SrF2:Er. The excitation power density is 63W/cm2.

    It follows from Fig. 5(a) that the strongest UCL occurs when the concentration of Er3+ ions is 14.2 mol. %. Upon further increase of the concentration of Er3+ ions, the spectral power of the UCL begins to decrease. The ratio of red to green luminescence of Er3+ ions is the same for all SrF2:Er samples.

    SrF2:Er phosphors could be used as infrared quantum counters, temperature sensors, visualizers of infrared laser radiation, phosphors for light-emitting diodes, and others. To develop UC phosphors for the above application fields, the luminescence efficiency, i.e., photoluminescence quantum yield needs to be investigated. The photoluminescence quantum yield is defined as the number of emitted photons per that of photons absorbed by luminescence materials. We have developed a system (see Section 2) for measuring UC photoluminescence quantum yield based on an absolute method[26,27].

    The photoluminescence quantum yields of SrF2:Er (mole fractions of Er3+ ions are 1.6%, 3.4%, 6.0%, 8.8%, 14.2%, 18.3%, and 21.3%) were measured upon excitation of a 972 nm LD with different power densities. The results of the measurement of ΦUC are shown in Table 1.

    • Table 1. Quantum Yields, Chromaticity Coordinates x, y and Color Temperature T of SrF2:Er Phosphors

      Table 1. Quantum Yields, Chromaticity Coordinates x, y and Color Temperature T of SrF2:Er Phosphors

      Er3+concentration(mol.%)P (W/cm2)ΦUC(%)xyT (K)

    The absolute quantum yield of SrF2:Er phosphors increases with an increasing concentration of Er3+ ions up to 14.2%. The maximum quantum yield was achieved at 0.28% for SrF2:Er (14.2 mol.%) with an incident laser power density of 63W/cm2.

    The dependences of the quantum yield and intensity of the UCL on the concentration of Er3+ ions can be explained by UC mechanisms. Important quenching pathways of UCL of SrF2:Er are radiative transitions I49/2I415/2, I411/2I413/2 and I413/2I415/2 of Er3+ ions. For example, efficient mid-infrared laser oscillations of SrF2:Er crystals upon excitation of the I411/2 level were demonstrated at room temperature[28,29]. The results of investigation of the excited-state dynamics and P-dependent UCL of the SrF2:Er phosphors show that the probability of CP increases with increasing concentration of Er3+ ions. CP depopulates the I411/2 level and populates the visible levels of the Er3+ ions. Thus, with an increasing concentration up to 14.2%, CP leads to a decrease in the mid-infrared quenching pathway of the UCL of SrF2:Er and thereby increases the photoluminescence quantum yield. Reducing the quantum yield and intensity of the UCL of SrF2:Er upon further increasing the concentration of Er3+ ions is explained by concentration quenching.

    Increasing the power density leads to enhancing the UC quantum yield of SrF2:Er because the probability of the UC processes also increases.

    The chromaticity of the SrF2:Er phosphors was calculated by use of the Commission International de l’Eclairage (CIE) chromaticity coordinates (x, y) and the results are presented in Fig. 5(b) and Table 1. The color temperatures for SrF2:Er with 1.6%, 3.4%, 6.0%, 8.8%, 14.2%, 18.3%, and 21.3% concentrations of Er3+ ions were 4936, 4814, 4692, 4695, 4782, 4589, and 4783 K, respectively.

    In summary, the mechanisms of UCL of SrF2:Er phosphors corresponding to the G411/2I415/2, H29/2I415/2, F45/2I415/2, F47/2I415/2, H211/2I415/2, S43/2I415/2, F49/2I415/2 and I49/2I415/2 transitions upon excitation of the I411/2 level of Er3+ ions were investigated for the first time. ETU processes are responsible for populating the H29/2, H211/2, S43/2, and F49/2 levels. CP is the dominant mechanism of UCL from the S43/2 and F49/2 levels for high concentrations of Er3+ ions. The UCL from G411/2 and F45/2 is explained by ESA. Cross-relaxation processes play a significant role in populating the F49/2 and I49/2 levels. For quantifying material performance the Er3+-concentration dependence of UCL and absolute quantum yields of SrF2:Er phosphors were studied. The most intensive visible luminescence was obtained for SrF2:Er (14.2 mol.%) with a 0.28% maximum quantum yield. The present results indicate that SrF2:Er prepared by using a co-precipitation from the aqueous nitrate solution is a promising UC phosphor.

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    A. A. Lyapin, S. V. Gushchin, A. S. Ermakov, S. V. Kuznetsov, P. A. Ryabochkina, V. Yu. Proydakova, V. V. Voronov, P. P. Fedorov, M. V. Chernov, "Mechanisms and absolute quantum yield of upconversion luminescence of fluoride phosphors," Chin. Opt. Lett. 16, 091901 (2018)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Nonlinear Optics

    Received: May. 19, 2018

    Accepted: Jul. 25, 2018

    Posted: Jul. 26, 2018

    Published Online: Sep. 6, 2018

    The Author Email: A. A. Lyapin (

