Electro-Optic Technology Application, Volume. 37, Issue 4, 70(2022)

Self-starting Mode-locked Picosecond Ti:sapphire Laser Directly Pumped by Blue Laser Diodes (Invited)

LIU Han1, WANG Hongying1, ZHAO Xiaoxia1, LU Yixin1, WANG Di1, ZHANG Yunliang1, and et al2,3
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    LIU Han, WANG Hongying, ZHAO Xiaoxia, LU Yixin, WANG Di, ZHANG Yunliang, et al. Self-starting Mode-locked Picosecond Ti:sapphire Laser Directly Pumped by Blue Laser Diodes (Invited)[J]. Electro-Optic Technology Application, 2022, 37(4): 70

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    Received: Jul. 25, 2022

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Dec. 14, 2022

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